
Creating a 4-Color Bitmap or Icon

  1. Choose New Project or File from the File menu.

  2. Choose the Files tab.

  3. Type the name of the bitmap or icon in the File name box.

  4. Choose Bitmap File to create a bitmap or Icon File to create an icon, and choose OK.

    A blank bitmap or icon appears in a new window along with the appropriate resource editor.

  5. Use the resource editor to create a bitmap or icon.

    – or –

    Import a bitmap or icon by choosing Resource from the Insert submenu of either the Project or Platform menu, and then choose a bitmap or icon and choose Import.

  6. Choose Convert to 4-Color on the Image menu to convert the bitmap from grayscale to color.

  7. To convert the icon from grayscale to color, choose New Device Image on the Image menu and add the two 4-color image sizes to your icon.

See Also

Resources and Resource Editors

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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