

This method is used by the VoIP Manager to get the parameters that are used to register with the SIP server through RTC. The parameters are the URI of the phone, the server with which the phone registers, and a fully qualified RTC profile string used in registration of the directory client with the SIP server.

HRESULT get_SipServerParameters( 
  BSTR* pbstrMyURI,
  BSTR* pbstrMyServer,
  BSTR* pbstrProfileString


  • pbstrMyURI
    [out] Pointer to a BSTR that will be filled with the URI of the phone, or an empty string if there is no entry. The method allocates the buffer. The application is responsible for releasing the memory using the SysFreeString function.

  • pbstrMyServer
    [out] Pointer to a BSTR that will be filled with the server through which to call, or an empty string if there is no entry. The method allocates the buffer. The application is responsible for releasing the memory using the SysFreeString function.

  • pbstrProfileString
    [out] Pointer to a BSTR that will be filled with the profile string used by RTC to register with the SIP server. The string must adhere to the RTC profile XML schema. If the string is empty, registration will fail.

    The method allocates the buffer. The application is responsible for releasing the memory using the SysFreeString function.

Return Values

If the HRESULT value passed to SUCCEEDED macro returns TRUE, the method succeeded. Otherwise, the method failed.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Voipprov.idl.
Link Library: Voipguid.lib.

See Also

VoIP Application Interface Layer Architecture | VoIP Application Interface Layer Reference | IVoIPMgr::Initialize | SysFreeString

 Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004

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