
Adding an End User License Agreement to an SDK

  1. From the Platform menu, choose Configure SDK.

    This will start the Export SDK Wizard if it has not been run previously for the current platform. For more information about using the Export SDK Wizard, see Exporting an SDK.

  2. Choose the License File tab.

  3. Select the Append End-User License Agreement check box.

  4. In the End-User License Agreement Path box, type the location of your license agreement or choose Browse to find the location of your license agreement.

    Platform Builder automatically includes a license agreement, which is necessary to protect the intellectual property rights of Microsoft components. You can add your own license agreement. Platform Builder attaches the additional license agreement to the end of the Microsoft license agreement. Your license agreement must be saved as a text (.txt) file.

  5. Choose OK.

See Also

OEM End User License Agreement | Software Development Kit Customization | Building an SDK

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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