
Resources (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following sections discuss how to work with resources. A resource is an object that is used within an application, but that is defined outside an application. A resource is added to an executable file when the application is linked. A resource editor is a specialized environment for creating or changing a resource.

Resource editors share characteristics and interfaces to create and modify application resources. Use resource editors to create new resources, modify existing resources, copy existing resources, and delete old resources.

You can edit all IDE resources used in your application. These resources include the following:

  • Accelerator tables
  • Binary data
  • Bitmaps, icons, and other graphics files
  • Cursors
  • Dialog boxes
  • HTML pages
  • Menus
  • String tables
  • Toolbar resources
  • Version information

You can create a resource as a new resource, with default settings, or copy another resource, use it as a template, and modify it to fit your application requirements. You can also edit a resource by opening its resource script (.rc) file in text format.

Header files and libraries must be present before the ResourceView will display resources. If they are not present, a message stating that Windows.h cannot be found appears.

See Also

Creating a New Resource from a Template | Copying an Existing Resource | Copying a Resource from One File to Another | Editing an Existing Resource | Saving an Edited Resource File | Deleting an Existing Resource

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