
Windows Media Player (Windows CE 5.0)

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This Catalog item adds a stand-alone Windows Media player sample application, Ceplayer.exe, to your OS design. This code for this sample application demonstrates the user interface elements of a media player and the integration of the Windows Media Player Control in a stand-alone application.

The complete source code for the user interface portion of Ceplayer is available for you to modify for your OS. All media decoding takes place within the Windows Media player control, which is a binary file that you cannot customize.

Implementation Considerations

The following table shows the Sysgen variables for the Windows Media player sample application.

Sysgen variable Description
SYSGEN_CEPLAYER Set this Sysgen to add Ceplayer.exe to your OS design and run-time image.

Modules and Components

The following table shows the components and modules that implement the Windows Media Player Sample Application.

Item Module Component
Windows Media Player sample application ceplayer None

Hardware Considerations

There are no special hardware considerations for this Catalog item.


The following table lists the Catalog item dependencies that most directly relate to this item's functionality. There are additional dependencies as well. For more information on determining the complete list of dependencies for this Catalog item, see Catalog Item Dependencies.

Catalog Item Sysgen variable
DirectShow Core SYSGEN_DSHOW
Gradient Fill Support SYSGEN_GRADFILL
Minimal GDI Configuration SYSGEN_MINGDI
Minimal GWES Configuration SYSGEN_MINGWES
Minimal Input Configuration SYSGEN_MININPUT
Minimal Window Manager Configuration SYSGEN_MINWMGR
Waveform Audio SYSGEN_AUDIO
Windows Media Player OCX SYSGEN_DSHOW_WMP

See Also

Windows Media

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