
Platform and Application Debugging

You can monitor and debug an OS image with the kernel debugger by integrating all of the functionality required to configure device connections and download images to a target device. This integration allows the kernel debugger to control the behavior of an OS image and provides you with information regarding the performance of that image. New and updated debugging windows and menu items in the IDE allow for quick and easy access to all process, thread, and other target debugging information.

The application debugger differs from the kernel debugger by controlling the behavior of only a single application running on a downloaded OS image. You can debug this application when it is running on an OS image that is running simultaneously on a target device.

See Also

Platform Debugging and Testing | Platform Debugging | Application Debugging | Just-in-Time Debugging | Platform Profiling | Kernel Debugging vs. Application Debugging

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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