
Object Icon Types

The Catalog window and the FeatureView window contain a number of icons used to represent object types. The icons make it possible for you to differentiate between platform objects at a glance.

The following table shows the icons used to represent Catalog objects.

Icon Description
Core OS configuration.
Feature group.
Required feature.
Optional feature.
Feature, type, or implementation excluded from the current configuration. The Add to Platform command is not available for features that are excluded by the configuration choice.
Catalog properties for a feature type. Pertains to this icon and other icons with three cylinders.
Catalog properties for a specific implementation of a feature. Pertains to this icon and other icons with two cylinders.

The following table shows the icons used to represent FeatureView objects.

Icon Description
Core OS configuration.
Feature group.
Unanchored feature.
Feature that has one or more special notifications.
Source code file.

The following table shows the symbols that can provide more information about a FeatureView object, using the feature icon as an example.

Icon Description
Anchored feature (required).
Anchored feature (optional).
Feature that can be built but is excluded from the image.
Feature excluded from the build and the image. The Build Selected Features command is not available for features that are excluded from the build.

See Also

Platform Settings | Platform Modification

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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