
User-defined Files in an SDK

Platform Builder allows you to import custom features, board support packages (BSPs), drivers, and run times into your platform. These include source code, libraries, and related files that contain APIs that need to be exposed to application developers. The SDK allows you to expose these APIs through the eMbedded Visual C++ and Visual Studio .NET environments.

The files are exposed to the SDK by defining, during the configuration stage, the folders in which they are contained. All subfolders may be included as well. If user-defined files are added, you must select the target directory for their installation. The source directory is a fully qualified path to a directory on your local machine. The target directory is a relative path from the installation directory. By default the files will be placed in the SDK installation root directory.

You can provide an OEM-specific script file called install_files\install_script.vbs. If you add a user-defined file by this name, then during the install or uninstall of the Windows installer package, this file will be called and two parameters will be passed to it. The first parameter is the installation directory, and the second parameter is the installation state (0 during an install, 1 during an uninstall). This script allows you to perform arbitrary actions at installation time. For example, you may want to run Regsvr32 on one of your user-defined DLL files.

See Also

Adding User-defined Files to an SDK | Software Development Kit Customization | How to Create an SDK for a Custom Platform

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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