
Modifying the Printer Driver Test

The Printer Driver Test executes the tux -o -d prntest command line on default execution.

You can modify the test by editing the command line. For information about how to edit the command line for a test, see Editing the Command Line for a Test. The following table shows the modifications you can make to the test.

To modify the Printer Driver Test

To Add this command-line parameter
Instruct tests to print in color mode.

If you do not specify this option, all tests default to black and white printing.

Instruct tests to use letter-sized paper.

Letter size is the default paper size for all tests.

Instruct tests to use legal-sized paper.

Letter size is the default paper size for all tests.

Instruct tests to use B5-sized paper.

Letter size is the default paper size for all tests.

Instruct tests to use A4-sized paper.

Letter size is the default paper size for all tests.

Override the default output device passed as the lpszOutput parameter to the CreateDC function.

For example, if you want to test a device other than IRDA:, COM1:, or LPT1:, you can specify the device with this option.

/out device_name

You should also modify the command line according to the type of printer that you want to test. The following table shows the modifications you can make for each type of connection to a printer.

To Add this command-line parameter
Specify an IR connection. -x1-12
Specify a connection over serial at 57600 bits per second (bps). -x101-112
Specify a connection over serial at 9600 bps. -x201-212
Specify a parallel port connection. -x301-312
Specify a network connection. -x401-412

Note   The USB printer driver, Usbprn.dll, emulates a parallel port and therefore registers itself with an LPT device prefix. To run the test on a USB printer, use the tux -o -d prntest -x301-312 command line that can also be used to test a printer over a parallel port. If the target device has both a parallel port and a USB printer, the USB printer typically appears as LPT2: and you must specify an /out command line parameter to test the printer. For example, the tux –o –d prntest –x301-312 –c"/out LPT2:" command line runs the test on a USB printer on LPT2: if there is also a parallel port on the target device.

After the test completes, you should manually verify that there are no errors on the pages that the test printed.

The following table shows the test cases for the Printer Driver Test.

Test case Description
1, 101, 201, 301, 401 Prints full-page text. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
2, 102, 202, 302, 402 Tests the BitBlt, MaskBlt, and StretchBlt functions. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
3, 103, 203, 303, 403 Tests different fonts in landscape mode at draft quality. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
4, 104, 204, 304, 404 Tests different fonts in portrait mode at full quality. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
5, 105, 205, 305, 405 Draws a rectangle with pens of differing width. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
6, 106, 206, 306, 406 Tests brushes and pens in different raster operations (ROPs). This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
7, 107, 207, 307, 407 Tests bitmap images with a color depth of greater than 8 bits. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
8, 108, 208, 308, 408 Tests the StretchBlt function in different ROPs. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
9, 109, 209, 309, 409 Tests the TransparentImage function with bitmap images of differing color depth. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
10, 110, 210, 310, 410 Rotates text. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
11, 111, 211, 311, 411 Tests region clipping. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
12, 112, 212, 312, 412 Converts color text to gray-scale text. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
700-702 Tests the performance of black and white printing at draft quality. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.
800-802 Tests the performance of black-and-white printing at full quality. This test fails if it cannot open a device context to the specified printer.


This test library can have one or more optional command-line entries to change the behavior of the test. To specify one or more optional command-line entries to the test library, you must use the –c command-line option. This option forces Tux to pass the specified string into the test library.

See Also

Printer Driver Test

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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