
Building the Keyboard Driver DLLs (Windows CE 5.0)

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You must build the keyboard driver from the proper directory to generate the dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) for your hardware platform.

To build the keyboard driver DLLs

  1. From the Platform Builder File menu, choose New Platform.

  2. In the New Platform Wizard, choose a BSP for appropriate for your hardware platform, and then complete the New Platform Wizard.

  3. From the Build menu, choose Open Build Release Directory to open a build properly configured build environment.

  4. Navigate to %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\%_TGTPLAT%\Drivers\MyKbdMouse.

  5. Type sysgen and press ENTER.

    Wait a few minutes for the Sysgen phase to finish. For more information, see Build Phases and Sysgen Tool.

  6. Type build -c and press ENTER to build the driver.

    For more information about more Build tool options, see Build Tool.

See Also

Layout Manager

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