
WZCRefreshInterface (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function refreshes specific information in the interface.

DWORD WZCRefreshInterface(LPWSTRpSrvAddr,  DWORD dwInFlags,PINTF_ENTRY pIntf,LPDWORD pdwOutFlags);


  • pSrvAddr
    [in] Not used. This parameter must be set to NULL.
  • dwInFlags
    [in] Bitmask of flags indicating the fields to be refreshed within the INTF_ENTRY object pointed by pIntf. For more information about the INTF_ flags, see Automatic Configuration Constants.
  • pIntf
    [in] Pointer to the INTF_ENTRY object that contains the data about the interface to be refreshed.
  • pdwOutFlags
    [out] DWORD that indicates the fields that were successfully refreshed.

Return Values

Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation completes successfully; otherwise, returns a Microsoft Win32 error code.


When calling this function, the application must pass the address of an allocated INTF_ENTRY object in the pIntf parameter. The object must contain the GUID of the interface to be refreshed in the wszGuid member.

On return, the fields selected for refreshing by dwInFlags from the object pointed by pIntf are populated by WZCSVC. If an indication of the fields that were refreshed by the call is not required, then pdwOutFlags must be set to NULL. If pdwOutFlags is not NULL, WZCSVC sets in the DWORD pointed by it the bits corresponding to the fields that were refreshed successfully.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Wzcsapi.h.
Link Library: Wzcsapi.lib.

See Also

Automatic Configuration Functions

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