
Two-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test

The Two-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test assesses the functionality of a miniport driver on a target device with two network cards.

The following table shows the hardware requirements for the Two-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test.

Requirements Description
Three network cards (debug, test, support) Your Microsoft® Windows® CE-based device must have an installed network card for which the miniport driver is to be tested. The target device must have a second installed network card that functions as a support card. The support card can be identical to the test card. You should connect the test and support cards to an isolated test network with no other network traffic.

The target device should also have a network card that establishes a TCP/IP connection to the development workstation with Microsoft Platform Builder. If you want to monitor traffic on the test network with network monitoring software, you can install a second network card on the development workstation and then connect the second card to the test network. The second network card on the development workstation is not required to run the Two-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test but can assist in troubleshooting problems that may arise.

The following table shows the software requirements for the Two-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test.

Requirements Description
Tux.exe Tux test harness, which is required for executing the test.
Kato.dll Kato logging engine, which is required for executing the test.
Tooltalk.dll Application required by Tux.exe and Kato.dll. Handles the transport between the target device and the development workstation.
Ndt.dll Test protocol driver.
Ndt_2c.dll Tux test binary file.

The network cards that you use must be recognized by the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) architecture. You must assign a name to each network card prior to running the test. The OS image that you download to the target device must use shared miniport drivers on control cards. You must bind the TCP/IP protocol to one of the miniport drivers.

Note   When you run the Two-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test, the CETK temporarily copies files to the root directory of the target device. While the test runs, the test dynamically consumes program memory on the target device. Before running the test, verify that there is at least 0.4 megabytes (MB) of free storage memory on the target device. Also verify that there is at least 1.0 MB of free program memory on the target device. If there is not sufficient space in the root directory of the target device or there is not sufficient program memory, the test cannot run.

See Also

Modifying the Two-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test | Running the Two-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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