
WPDM Messages (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the messages passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio platform-dependent driver (PDD).

Programming element Description
WPDM_CLOSE This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD that the driver's waveXXXClose function has been called.
WPDM_CONTINUE This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to continue with the data pointed to by the wave header.
WPDM_ENDOFDATA This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD that no more output data is available and that the audio circuit should finish playing the data blocks already received.
WPDM_GETDEVCAPS This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to query the hardware to determine its capabilities.
WPDM_GETMIXERVAL This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to query one of the current mixer settings.
WPDM_GETVOLUME This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to query the current volume setting of the audio device.
WPDM_OPEN This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to indicate that the waveform device will be sent data of the specified format.
WPDM_PAUSE This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to pause playback.
WPDM_RESTART This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to continue playing the paused data.
WPDM_SETMIXERVAL This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to set one of the mixer values.
WPDM_SETVOLUME This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to modify the current volume setting of the audio device.
WPDM_STANDBY This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to put the audio circuitry in standby mode.
WPDM_START This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to start with the data pointed to by the wave header.
WPDM_STOP This message is passed to the PDD_WaveProc function to instruct the audio PDD to stop playback or recording immediately.

See Also

Waveform Audio Driver Structures | Waveform Audio Driver Functions | Waveform Input Driver Messages | Waveform Output Driver Messages | Audio PDD Functions

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