
Applications Implementation Considerations

You can include the Applications features in your platform by choosing the features from the Catalog. Choosing an Applications feature sets the appropriate environmental variable for enabling the feature.

The following table shows the Sysgen variables that enable the Applications features.

Sysgen variable Description
SYSGEN_FREECELL When this variable is set, the FreeCell feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_FTPUPDATE When this variable is set, the FLASH Update Sample Application feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_HELP When this variable is set, the Help feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_MESSENGER When this variable is set, the Windows Messenger feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_PEGTERM When this variable is set, the Terminal Emulator feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_PMAIL When this variable is set, the Inbox feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_PWORD When this variable is set, the WordPad feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_RDP When this variable is set, the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_RDP_AUDIO When this variable is set, the Audio Playback Redirection for RDP feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_RDP_CLIPBOARD When this variable is set, the Cut/Copy/Paste Clipboard Redirection for RDP feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_RDP_DRIVE When this variable is set, the File Storage Redirection for RDP feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_RDP_PORT When this variable is set, the Serial and Parallel Port Redirection for RDP feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_RDP_PRINTER When this variable is set, the Printer Redirection for RDP feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_RDP_SMARTCARD When this variable is set, the Smart Card Redirection for RDP feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_RDP_UI When this variable is set, the User Interface Dialog Boxes for RDP feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_SOLITARE When this variable is set, the Solitaire feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_VIEWER_ACROBAT When this variable is set, the Microsoft PDF Viewer feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_VIEWER_DOC When this variable is set, the Microsoft Word Viewer feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_VIEWER_IMAGE When this variable is set, the Microsoft Image Viewer feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_VIEWER_PPT When this variable is set, the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_VIEWER_XLS When this variable is set, the Microsoft Excel Viewer feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_VOIPPHONE_UI When this variable is set, the Voice over IP Phone Application feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.
SYSGEN_WCELOAD When this variable is set, the CAB File Installer/Uninstaller feature is included in the OS image. Otherwise it is excluded from the image.

See Also

Applications Overview

 Last updated on Friday, April 09, 2004

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