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The SCARD_VENDOR_ATTR structure holds all information about the reader. The driver is responsible for filling in all members.

typedef struct _VENDOR_ATTR {struct {    USHORT Length;    UCHAR  Buffer[MAXIMUM_ATTR_STRING_LENGTH];} VendorName;struct {    USHORT Length;    UCHAR  Buffer[MAXIMUM_ATTR_STRING_LENGTH];} IfdType;ULONG UnitNo;struct {    USHORT BuildNumber;    UCHAR VersionMinor;    UCHAR VersionMajor;} IfdVersion;struct {    USHORT Length;    UCHAR Buffer[MAXIMUM_ATTR_STRING_LENGTH];} IfdSerialNo;ULONG Reserved[25];} VENDOR_ATTR, *PVENDOR_ATTR;


  • VendorName
    Mandatory. Contains the ANSI-coded name of the vendor. Because a length field is provided, no terminating NULL character is necessary.
  • IfdType
    Mandatory. Contains the ANSI-coded designation of the reader, that is, the reader name.
  • UnitNo
    Mandatory. This is the number of this unit and should be set to the n if the driver name is "PSCn". Because it is possible to have more than one reader of this type installed in a system, UnitNo is used to distinguish the readers.
  • IfdVersion
    Optional. The version number of the reader. This member can be used for support purposes. It should be maintained only if the reader allows the value to be queried.
  • IfdSerialNo
    Optional. The serial number of the connected reader. This field should only be maintained if the reader allows the serial number to be queried.
  • Reserved
    A buffer of 25 ULONG values, reserved for future use. Drivers should not use this space.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Smclib.h.

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