
DirectShow Interfaces

The following table shows the reference entries for all Microsoft® DirectShow® COM interfaces supported in Microsoft Windows® CE .NET.

Programming element Description
IAMDevMemoryAllocator Enables the creation of third-party memory allocators by using an on-board memory manager object.
IAMDevMemoryControl Controls and identifies the on-board memory of codecs.
IAMMediaContent Retrieves metadata from a stream.
IAMMediaContentEx Retrieves metadata from a stream.
IAMovieSetup Allow objects in a dynamic-link library (DLL) to be self-registering.
IAMPlayList Provides access to descriptive information about a media playlist.
IAMPlayListItem Provides the detailed property information for an item on a playlist.
IAMStreamControl Allows applications to control individual stream components in a filter graph.
IAMStreamSelect Controls which logical streams are played and retrieves information about them.
IAsyncReader Allows multiple overlapped reads from different positions in the media stream.
IBaseFilter Abstracts an object that has typed input and output connections and can be aggregated dynamically.
IBasicAudio Supports the filter graph's audio component.
IBasicVideo Supports the video properties of a generic video window.
IDirectDrawVideo Allows an application to get details of the surface and any available hardware capabilities.
IDistributorNotify Notifies plug-in distributors of changes in the filter graph state.
IDMOWrapperFilter Enables applications to use DirectX Media Objects in a filter graph.
IEnumFilters Returns the enumerator interface for filters.
IEnumMediaTypes Enumerates the preferred formats for a pin.
IEnumPins Returns the enumerator interface for pins.
IEnumRegFilters Helps the Filter Graph Manager avoid loading filters when attempting to build a filter graph to render a given media type.
IFileSourceFilter Sets the file name and media type of the media file that a source filter is to render.
IFilterGraph Represents a graph of filters.
IFilterGraph2 Adds new functionality to the IGraphBuilder and IFilterGraph interfaces. You should usually use IFilterGraph2 instead of the other two interfaces.
IFilterMapper Allows properties of filters to be looked up during loading.
IFilterMapper2 Registers and locates DirectShow filters with greater flexibility than IFilterMapper allows. Applications and filters should use IFilterMapper2 instead of IFilterMapper.
IGraphBuilder Allows applications to call on the Filter Graph Manager to attempt to build a complete filter graph or parts of a filter graph given only partial information.
IGraphVersion Notifies other objects, especially plug-in distributors, when the graph has changed. Provided by the Filter Graph Manager.
IMediaControl Allows applications to control the streaming of media through the filters in the graph.
IMediaEvent Supports event notification from the filter graph and filters within it to the application.
IMediaEventEx Derives from IMediaEvent and adds a method that allows registration of a window to receive messages when events occur.
IMediaEventSink Notifies events from filters.
IMediaFilter Abstracts an object that processes time-based data streams and represents a multimedia device, possibly implemented in software.
IMediaPosition It is recommended that you use the IMediaSeeking interface instead of IMediaPosition. This depreciated interface is no longer fully supported.
IMediaSample Provides shared memory buffer functionality, holds some properties about the data, and holds a pointer to the data itself.
IMediaSample2 Enables you to set and retrieve sample properties such as start and stop time that are defined in AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES and sample flags defined in the AM_SAMPLE_PROPERTY_FLAGS structure.
IMediaSeeking Improves on the IMediaPosition interface by allowing arbitrary formats for seekable units, such as frames, bytes, and 100-second units of time.
IMediaStream Provides access to the characteristics of a media stream, such as the stream's media type and purpose identifier. It also has methods that create data samples.
IMemAllocator Allocates IMediaSample blocks to be used for data transfer between pins.
IMemInputPin Provides methods on an input pin to facilitate passing data and flush notifications from a connected output pin of an upstream filter.
IMultiMediaStream Provides methods that control a multimedia stream and provide access to its underlying media streams.
INonDelegatingUnknown Enables a class to support both nondelegating and delegating IUnknown interfaces in the same COM object.
IOverlay Provides information so that a filter can write directly to video memory while placing the video in the correct window position.
IOverlayNotify Provides an upstream filter, such as a decoder, with notifications of changes to the rendering window.
IPin Represents a single, unidirectional connection point on a filter.
IQualityControl Defines quality messages and allows a quality manager to install itself as the sink for these messages.
IQualProp Returns information about the performance achieved — for example, the number of frames per second.
IReferenceClock Represents a system reference clock to be implemented by a filter in the filter graph and used by other filters.
ISeekingPassThru Instantiates and initializes a CRendererPosPassThru object to keep track of reference times and stream times.
IStreamSample Provides control over the behavior of stream samples.
IVideoWindow Supports the video window properties of a video renderer.
IVPBaseConfig Enables a video port (VP) or overlay mixer filter to communicate with a VP driver (decoder) to set and retrieve configuration information.
IVPBaseNotify Enables you to control the properties of a filter that uses a video port.
IVPConfig Enables a video port (VP) or overlay mixer filter to communicate with a VP driver (decoder) to set and retrieve configuration information.
IVPNotify Enables you to control the properties of a filter that uses a video port.

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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