
PC Card Driver Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the PC Card driver functions.

Programming element Description
CardAccessConfigurationRegister This function reads or writes the function and configuration registers of a PC Card.
CardDeregisterClient This function removes a PC Card client driver's registration from card services.
CardGetEventMask This function retrieves either the driver's global event mask or the event mask for a particular socket and function. The event mask specifies the events that trigger a callback.
CardGetFirstTuple This function retrieves the first tuple of the specified type for the specified socket and function.
CardGetNextTuple This function retrieves the next tuple of the specified type for the specified socket and function.
CardGetParsedTuple This function reads and decodes the CISTPL_CONFIG and CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY tuples. These tuples are both complex and difficult to decode. This function stores the information in those tuples in data structures that are easier to access.
CardGetStatus This function retrieves the current status of the specified socket and function pair.
CardGetTupleData This function reads the data from the current tuple.
CardMapWindow This function maps an area in PC Card memory or I/O space to system memory and returns a pointer used to access the mapped region.
CardMapWindowPhysical This function maps a PC Card window to its parent bus physical address.
CardModifyConfiguration This function modifies information within the fAttributes parameter, as specified by the CARD_CONFIG_INFO structure.
CardModifyWindow This function changes the attributes of a memory window opened by the CardRequestWindow function. Because CardModifyWindow has unintended side effects, it should not be used. To modify a window, release it and request a new window with the desired attributes.
CardRegisterClient This function registers a callback function that is called by card services when a specified socket event occurs. The callback function notifies the driver of the event, such as card insertion, so that the driver can take the appropriate action.
CardReleaseConfiguration This function places the selected socket and card into a memory-only interface, which is the default mode.
CardReleaseExclusive This function releases exclusive access to a socket and function pair.
CardReleaseIRQ This function stops notification of interrupts on the specified socket and function pair.
CardReleaseWindow This function releases a memory or I/O window allocated by the CardRequestWindow function.
CardRequestConfigRegisterPhAddr This function supports the legacy PCMCIA driver. This driver requires installable interrupt service routine (ISR) support. The installable ISR uses the configuration and status register to identify an interrupt source.
CardRequestConfiguration This function sets socket attributes, interface type, voltage, and registers, as specified by the CARD_CONFIG_INFO structure.
CardRequestDisable This function powers off a PC Card. After the card has been powered off, it can no longer function until the card is ejected and reinserted.
CardRequestExclusive This function requests exclusive access to a specified socket and function pair.
CardRequestIRQLine This function retrieves the interrupt request (IRQ) line that is routed to the CPU by the bridge controller.
CardRequestWindow This function allocates a window within system memory used to access PC Card memory or I/O space. The window must be mapped by the CardMapWindow function before the window can access the PC Card
CardResetFunction This function resets a specified PC card function in a specified socket.
CardSetEventMask This function sets either the driver's global event mask, set initially by the CardRegisterClient function, or an event mask for a specified socket and function pair as specified in the CARD_EVENT_MASK_PARMS structure
CS_SocketCallback This callback function notifies PC Card services of a status change. It is used by the socket driver.
EnumCard This function allows a card that has been attached to PC Card services to be enumerated.
EnumSocket This function allows attached sockets in PC Card services to be enumerated.
GetSocketIndex This function maps a card and a socket to each other.
GetSocketStatus This function retrives socket status.

See Also

PC Card Driver Reference | PC Card Drivers

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