

The GPEVGA class contains methods that simplify the process of using video chipsets that are compliant with the VGA standard. Many devices are based on the VGA standard. For a VGA-based display driver, implement the Gpevga.h header file and the functions define in the Gpevga.cpp file. This helps you configure the numerous VGA registers. If your device is not VGA-based, the GPEVGA class is not useful in developing your display driver.

Because the standard VGA registers do not include many of the high-resolution and high-bit-depth display modes, and because the registers do not define linear addressing schemes for display memory over 64 KB, you must determine the values to place in the non-standard registers based on the characteristics of your display hardware. Keep in mind that GPE supports only those devices capable of presenting a linear frame buffer to the microprocessor.

To use the GPEVGA class, derive your specific device's class from GPEVGA rather than from GPE.

See Also

GPE Base Classes | GPE | GPESurf | ColorConverter | Node2D | Display Drivers | Display Driver Extensions | Display Driver Samples

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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