
Building the OS Image and Opening a Workspace with Multiple XIP Regions

After you have modified the .bib files, you must build an image with multiple XIP regions. After your image has been built, you must open a workspace from which you can download the OS image to the CEPC.

To build your OS image and open a workspace with multiple XIP regions

  1. From the Build menu, choose Open Build Release Directory.

  2. At the command prompt, type makeimg, and then press ENTER.

    The build process will take several minutes.

    During the build process, the Make Binary Image Tool, Makeimg.exe, will create the following Windows CE-based binary image data format, .bin, files.

    File Description
    Xip.bin A single .bin file containing all XIP regions.
    Nk.bin A .bin file for the NK region.
    Drivers.bin A .bin file for the DRIVERS region.
    Chain.bin A .bin file for the XIP chain. The XIP chain is a list of all XIP regions that reside in flash memory or RAM and is accessible from the OEM Adaptation Layer (OAL).
    Eboot.bin A .bin file for the Ethernet boot loader.
  3. From the File menu, choose Open Workspace.

    The Open Workspace dialog box appears.

  4. In the Files of type box, choose All Files (*.*).

  5. Browse to %_WINCEROOT%\Public\<Platform name>\RelDir\CEPC_X86Release, select Chain.lst, and then choose Open.

    Chain.lst is a text that lists all the XIP regions to load. Because Makeimage.exe has created a separate .bin file for each XIP region, you must use Chain.lst to load all these regions on your CEPC.

See Also

How to Create an Image with Multiple XIP Regions | ROM Image Creation | Romimage | Make Binary Image Tool

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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