
VBScript Application Development (Windows CE 5.0)

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Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition, a subset of the Microsoft® Visual Basic® programming language, is a fast, portable, lightweight interpreter for use in Internet browsers and other applications that use Microsoft® ActiveX® Controls, Automation servers, and Java language applets.

In Microsoft® Windows® CE, Microsoft Internet Explorer is the scripting host. However, you can also create your own host application by using Microsoft ActiveX® Scripting. ActiveX Scripting enables a host to compile scripts, obtain and call entry points, and manage the namespace available to the developer.

Detailed documentation on using VBScript, including a language reference, tutorials, and samples, is available at this Microsoft Web site.

In This Section

  • VBScript OS Design Development
    Provides information about the components and modules that implement VBScript functionalities, and Sysgen variables that enable these functionalities.

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