
Standard SDK for Windows CE

When included in your platform, the standard software development kit (SDK) for Microsoft® Windows® CE .NET provides a common subset of features that allow an application written to conform to the standard SDK to run on a display-based Windows CE .NET platform. To maintain compatibility with the standard SDK, an application must function with only the features provided in the standard SDK. Using additional features will make the application incompatible with the standard SDK.

To implement the standard SDK on a Windows CE .NET platform, the standard SDK for a Windows CE .NET feature must be added to a display-based platform. The standard SDK is not compatible with headless devices and is therefore limited to display-based platforms. When added to an operating system (OS) image, the standard SDK will automatically include any features associated with the standard SDK as well as their dependencies. It will also add a registry flag to the image that indicates that the standard SDK has been implemented on that image. This allows any application written for the standard SDK to verify that a particular Windows CE .NET platform supports the standard SDK.

When included in a display-based platform, the standard SDK automatically incorporates all associated features into that platform. The following list shows the features that compose the standard SDK:

See Also

Application Development

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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