
Handwriting Recognition

Microsoft® Windows® CE .NET–based devices that do not have a keyboard require an input method (IM) to simulate keyboard input. For this purpose, Windows CE implements an input panel architecture that functions through a touch screen. For more information about using the input panel architecture, see Software-Based Input Panel.

As an alternative or companion to a keyboard, you can employ a handwriting pad IM in your application for processing user-drawn numbers, letters, characters, and symbols. The Windows CE handwriting recognition engine currently recognizes all 94 characters of the ASCII character set. In addition, the engine recognizes all of the available glyph characters, known as ideographs, for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and produces their corresponding Unicode output.

The following main topics describe the implementation of the Hwx (pronounced wix) functions for processing handwritten characters that are entered by the user on the input panel:

 Last updated on Friday, April 09, 2004

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