
UrlMkGetSessionOption (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function sets options for the current Internet session.

HRESULT UrlMkGetSessionOption(DWORDdwOption,LPVOIDpBuffer,DWORDdwBufferLength,DWORD* pdwBufferLength,DWORDdwReserved);


  • dwOption
    [in] Unsigned long integer value containing the session options to be retrieved. This can be one of the values shown in the following table.
    Value Description
    URLMON_OPTION_URL_ENCODING Retrieve the Microsoft Internet Explorer default encoding policy. This value was introduced in Internet Explorer 5.
    URLMON_OPTION_USERAGENT Retrieve the current user agent string.
  • pBuffer
    [in] Address of the buffer containing the new session settings.
  • dwBufferLength
    [in] Unsigned long integer value containing the size of pBuffer.
  • pdwBufferLength
    [out] Address of an unsigned long integer value containing the size of the data stored in the buffer or the size required to store the data if the buffer size was insufficient.
  • dwReserved
    [in] Reserved. Must be set to zero.

Return Values

This function returns one of the values shown in the following table.

Value Description
S_OK The option was successfully set.
E_INVALIDARG The option is not supported or there is an invalid parameter.
E_FAIL The option could not be set.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Urlmon.h, Urlmon.idl.
Link Library: Urlmon.lib.

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