
Custom Resources

Custom resources enhance the functionality of the component or configuration to which they are added. Custom resources are also referred to as FBA commands, because First Boot Agent (FBA) controls their execution. During first boot, these commands are used to populate the registry, set up application shortcuts, specify replacements for end-of-life components, and perform actions that cannot be done during the building of a configuration, such as COM registration.

Use Component Designer to add custom resources to a component, and use Target Designer to add custom resources to a configuration.

Note   The custom resource called FBA OC Mgr Request is reserved for Microsoft use only.

In This Section

  • Component Branch
    Describes the custom resource that is used to specify replacement components for an end-of-life component.
  • FBA DLL/COM Registration
    Describes the custom resource that is used to register a COM or DLL during FBA.
  • FBA Generic Command
    Describes the custom resource that is used to run a command during FBA.
  • PnP Device ID
    Describes the custom resource that is used to annotate a component with device information.
  • RunOnce Request
    Describes the custom resource that is used to run an application during or after first boot of the run-time image, or after every logon.
  • Service Data
    Describes the custom resource that is used to define a Windows service.
  • Start Menu Shortcuts
    Describes the custom resource that is used to change the default icons on the Windows Start Menu.
  • Design a Run-Time Image
    Describes the design phase of the development process. During this phase you can choose the components and resources required for your run-time image.
  • Resources
    Describes the different types of resource you can add to a configuration.
  • Creating an FBA Command
    Describes how to add the different types of FBA commands to a configuration.

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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