
IVoIPConfigurationDataStore::UpdateSettingsFromXML (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method updates all of the specified settings in the data store using information in the passed XML string.

This method is useful when the XML is already in a local memory buffer. If the XML is in a file, use IVoIPConfigurationDataStore::UpdateSettingsFromFile.

HRESULT UpdateSettingsFromXML(  const WCHAR* c_wszXML,   UINT fSettingsToUpdate,   UINT* pfUpdatedSettings);


  • c_wszXML
    The XML string that contains the values to be written. Only values from this XML string that are also specified in the fSettingsToUpdate parameter will be used to update the data store. Other values will be ignored. The format of the XML string is described in more detail in the Remarks section below.
  • fSettingsToUpdate
    A single number that represents all settings to be updated, using CONFIG_DATA_ constants. Multiple settings can be specified by combining multiple CONFIG_DATA_ values using the OR operator.
  • pfUpdatedSettings
    Pointer to a caller-allocated UINT that this method uses to store a single number that consists of CONFIG_DATA_ values combined using the OR operator. This number represents all settings that were successfully updated. Settings that have been overridden manually by the phone's user won't be updated. If this parameter is NULL, this method does not return the successfully updated settings.

Return Values

This method can return XML DOM parser error values.

The following table shows additional possible return values.

Value Description
E_FAIL The XML could not be loaded or parsed. The XML may not be valid or well-formed.
E_INVALIDARG The fSettingsToUpdate parameter is zero and does not specify any settings to update.
E_OUTOFMEMORY There was not enough memory to complete the update operation.
E_POINTER The address in c_wszXML is not valid.
S_OK The settings specified in the pfUpdatedSettings output parameter were updated successfully.
VOIP_E_NOTINITIALIZED The data store is not initialized. It must be initialized using IVoIPConfigurationDataStore::Initialize.


A valid XML string has a root element named VoIPConfiguration, and one or more first-level child elements named appropriately for the setting and containing the setting value. For more information about the element name to use for each setting, see CONFIG_DATA_. For an example XML fragment that demonstrates the correct usage, see Configuration Data Store Example XML.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Voipconfigurationdatastore.idl, Voipconfigurationdatastore.h.
Link Library: Voipguid.lib.

See Also

IVoIPConfigurationDataStore | CONFIG_DATA_ | IVoIPConfigurationDataStore::Initialize | IVoIPConfigurationDataStore::UpdateSettingsFromFile

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