
Handling of Unsupported Items

The Windows Media Player handles unsupported items in the following fashion:

  • Handling boundary conditions for properties

    Values outside of the known data type will throw the appropriate type mismatch error.

    Values outside of the valid range will be truncated at the boundary value (for example, If –100 is the lower property boundary, a value of –200 will be truncated at –100).

  • Handling of invalid values

    Values outside of the known data type will throw the appropriate type mismatch error.

    Invalid values are ignored and the current property value remains unchanged, for example, ff valid values are {2,4,6}, a value of {3} is ignored and the current value is retained.

  • Handling of unsupported properties

    Unsupported properties are treated as read-only values and are hard coded to the default value of the property.

  • Handling of read-only properties

    Attempts to set read-only properties will be ignored. The property value will remain unchanged and no error will be thrown.

See Also

Windows Media Player Control

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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