
IShellFolder::SetNameOf (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method sets the display name of a file object or subfolder, changing the item identifier in the process.


HRESULT SetNameOf(  HWND hwndOwner,  LPCITEMIDLIST pidl,  LPCOLESTR lpszName,  DWORD uFlags,  LPITEMIDLIST* ppidlOut);


  • hwndOwner
    [in] Handle to the owner window of any dialog or message boxes that the client displays.
  • pidl
    [in] Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure that uniquely identifies the file object or subfolder relative to the parent folder. The structure must contain exactly one SHITEMID structure followed by a terminating zero.
  • lpszName
    [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the new display name.
  • uFlags
    [in] Flags indicating the type of name specified by the lpszName parameter. For a list of possible values, see the description of the SHGNO enumerated type.
  • ppidlOut
    [out] Address of a pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure that receives the new ITEMIDLIST.

Return Values

Returns NOERROR if successful, or an error value otherwise.


Implementations of IShellFolder::SetNameOf usually return a pointer to the new ITEMIDLIST in the ppidlOut parameter, but callers of this interface must be capable of handling the case where *ppidlOut is not set. If you call IShellFolder::SetNameOf with ppidlOut set to NULL, it will not return a new ITEMIDLIST for the object. If an error occurs, the implementation must set *ppidlOut to NULL if ppidlOut is non-NULL.

Changing the display name of a file system object, or a folder within it, renames the file or directory.

Before calling this method, applications should call IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf and check that the SFGAO_CANRENAME flag is set. This flag is essentially a hint to namespace clients. It does not necessarily imply that IShellFolder::SetNameOf will succeed or fail.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Shobjvidl.h, Shobjidl.idl.
Link Library: Implementation dependent.

See Also

IShellFolder | ITEMIDLIST | SHITEMID | SHGNO | IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf

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