
Instrumented Kernel Profiling and Monte Carlo Profiling

A profile-enabled kernel (Nkprof.exe) is built whenever you build the kernel for the hardware development platform sample code and set IMGPROFILER=1 in Wince.bat. Nkprof.exe includes both instrumented kernel profiling and Monte Carlo profiling. Implement the profiling code for the target device to profile the device.

Profiler support enables the profiler implementation to direct Monte Carlo profiling sample code to a buffer from which you can locate post-profile symbols in a lookup table. Alternatively, you can locate profile symbols in a lookup table within the profiler ISR. You can also enable kernel-call profiling.

See Also

Monte Carlo Profiling | Controlling Profiling when Running the Profile-Enabled OS Image from an Application | Controlling Profiling Using the Device Keyboard when Running the Profile-Enabled OS Image

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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