

This configuration option specifies the percentage of RAM allocated for the file system.



  • number
    A 4-byte hexadecimal number. Each byte represents the number of 4-KB blocks per MB allocated for the file system, as follows:

    byte 0 = # of 4-KB blocks per MB in the first two MB

    byte 1 = # of 4-KB blocks per MB in the second two MB

    byte 2 = # of 4-KB blocks per MB in the third two MB

    byte 3 = # of 4-KB blocks per MB in the remaining memory


You can use FSRAMPERCENT to specify 0 to 255 4-KB blocks of memory.**While the memory is calculated in 4-KB blocks, the actual allocation is a contiguous section of RAM.

The default value is FSRAMPERCENT=0x80808080, which specifies 50 percent of RAM allocated for the file system.

The OAL now provides the function pointer pOEMCalcFSPages to change the default number of pages assigned to the object store during a cold boot.

See Also

CONFIG Section

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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