
VoIP Manager SIP Server Registration (Windows CE 5.0)

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This topic explains how to register the VoIP manager with a SIP server. The VoIP manager must be registered with a SIP server for VAIL to support non-peer-to peer-calls (that is, making calls that use the SIP server).

Windows CE 5.0 includes the source code for the VAIL and for the TUI, so you can see how to register the VoIP manager with a SIP server by examining the TUI and VAIL code that is executed when the TUI registers the VoIP manager with a SIP server.

The following list explains how the TUI registers the VoIP manager with a SIP server.

  1. The TUI registers with the SIP server in the CVoIPApp::Run method in the VoIPApp.cpp file in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\VoIP\OAK\Phone\TUI\App.

    Among other things, CVoIPApp::Run creates and initializes the VoIP manager by calling the internal TUI function InitializeComponents. This step is explained in more detail in VoIP Manager Initialization.

  2. After the VoIP manager object is initialized, the TUI application code calls the internal ReprovisionVoIPMgr function, which takes the following high-level actions:

    1. Retrieves information needed to register the VoIP manager with a SIP server.

      The default TUI implementation retrieves this information using the VAIL configuration data store through the IVoIPConfigurationDataStore interface.

      You can change the TUI to retrieve this information from any source, including a network location or the code itself.

    2. Creates a SIPServerRegistrationParameters instance using the information retrieved in step 1.

      At a minimum, the SIPServerRegistrationParameters instance must contain valid wszURI and wszServer fields. The VoIP manager assumes defaults for any other fields that are not set.

    3. Calls IVoIPMgr2::RegisterWithSIPServer, passing the SIPServerRegistrationParameters instance created in step 2.

    4. Notifies the TUI Desktop Manager object that registration has been started.

      This step is specific to the TUI; it enables the TUI to update its UI to tell the user that registration is underway.

The RegisterWithSIPServer method is asynchronous and returns before registration is complete.

The VoIP manager posts status updates about registration by calling the IVoIPUI::OnSystemEvent method. The TUI implements this method in the DesktopManager.cpp file in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\VoIP\OAK\Phone\TUI\App directory.

See Also

VoIP Manager Setup

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