
VBScript 5.5 Features

VBScript 5.5 includes the following features:

  • As a subset of the Visual Basic programming language, VBScript is easy to learn and master, even for novices. Because VBScript uses the same event-binding syntax as Visual Basic, experienced Visual Basic programmers will find that in many cases they can paste existing Visual Basic code blocks into VBScript code.
  • VBScript supports error handling through the Visual Basic error object and the on error resume next mechanism.
  • VBScript supports built-in formatting for dates, numbers, and currency. VBScript also has the ability to format dates, numbers, and currency built into the language.
  • VBScript includes built-in support for iterating through Component Object Model (COM) object collections.
  • Effective with Windows CE .NET version 4.2, VBScript can support script authoring, although implementation is optional and not all platforms include this feature. For more information, see the manufacturer's SDK documentation. However Windows CE .NET does not provide type libraries for script interfaces. Script debugging is not supported.

 Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004

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