
IBindStatusCallback (Windows CE 5.0)

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This interface accepts information on an asynchronous bind operation.

Method Description
GetBindInfo Provides information about how the bind operation should be handled when called by an asynchronous moniker.
GetPriority Obtains the priority for the bind operation when called by an asynchronous moniker.
OnDataAvailable Provides data to the client as it becomes available during asynchronous bind operations.
OnLowResource Not currently implemented.
OnObjectAvailable Passes the requested object interface pointer to the client.
OnProgress Indicates the progress of the bind operation.
OnStartBinding Notifies the client about the callback methods it is registered to receive. This notification is a response to the flags the client requested in the RegisterBindStatusCallback function.
OnStopBinding Indicates the end of the bind operation.


A client requesting an asynchronous bind operation must provide a notification object exposing the IBindStatusCallback interface. The asynchronous moniker provides information on the bind operation to the client by calling notification methods on the client's IBindStatusCallback interface. This interface also allows the client to pass additional bind information to the moniker by calling the IBindStatusCallback::GetBindInfo and IBindStatusCallback::GetPriority methods after receiving a call from IMoniker::BindToObject or IMoniker::BindToStorage.

Only the last IBindStatusCallback interface that was registered will be called.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Urlmon.h, Urlmon.idl.
Link Library: Urlmon.lib.

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