
Tutorial Step 2: Building the Custom Run-Time Image for the Emulator (Windows CE 5.0)

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After you create an OS design, you can build a run-time image based on that OS design. In this step, you build a custom run-time image from the OS design you created in Tutorial Step 1.

For this tutorial, when you build the custom run-time image, choose a Debug configuration for your OS design. By building a run-time image based on the default Debug configuration, you can later debug your run-time image on the target device from Platform Builder.

Because the size of a run-time image based on a Debug configuration is greater than the size of a run-time image based on a Release configuration, you must also change the value of an environment variable to accommodate a larger run-time image for the purposes of this tutorial.

To build the custom run-time image for the Emulator

  1. In the IDE, from the Build OS menu, choose Set Active Configuration.

  2. From the list of configurations, select EMULATOR: X86_Debug and choose OK.

    Platform Builder updates the list of Catalog items in your OS design.

  3. From the Platform menu, choose Settings.

  4. For Configuration, be sure EMULATOR: x86_Debug is selected.

  5. Choose the Build Options tab and verify that the following are selected:

    • Enable CE Target Control Support (SYSGEN_SHELL=1)

      Enabling CE Target Control Support for your OS design enables target control support for your OS design and enables kernel independent transport layer (KITL). For more information, see Enabling the Target Control Service.

    • Enable Eboot Space in Memory (IMGEBOOT=1)

      Selecting this reserves space in the Config.bib file for your OS design, enabling the boot loader to save data that your OS can read at boot time.

    • Enable Full Kernel Mode (no IMGNOTALLKMODE=1)

      Enabling full kernel-mode for your OS design increases system performance in the run-time image. For more information, see Full-Kernel Mode

    • Enable KITL (no IMGNOKITL=1)

      Enabling full kernel-mode for your OS design increases system performance in the run-time image. For more information, see Full-Kernel Mode

    • Run-Time Image Can be Larger than 32 MB (IMGRAM64=1)

      Enabling the run-time image to be larger than 32 MB allows you to have larger run-time images. If your final run-time image requires more than 32 MB of space, the build process might not successfully complete.

    • Enable Kernel Debugger (no IMGNODEBUGGER=1)

      Enabling support for the kernel debugger allows you to debug the run-time image that you create based on your OS design.

  6. Save your changes and close the Platform Settings dialog box by choosing OK.

  7. From the Build OS menu, verify that the following are selected:

    • Copy Files to Release Directory after Build
    • Make Run-Time Image After Build

    By default, these are selected when you create a workspace in Platform Builder.

  8. Select EMULATOR: x86_RELEASE as the Build Configuration.

  9. Build a run-time image based on your OS design by choosing Build and Sysgen from the Build OS menu.

    For information about other build options you can choose, see Build OS Menu Options.

    The time required by Platform Builder to build the run-time image depends on the number of Catalog items in the OS design.

    In this example, you are building a run-time image based on a large OS design that contains many items, so it can take up to 20 minutes to build the OS image.

  10. Observe the build process in Platform Builder by viewing the output on the Build tab of the Output window.

    When the build is complete, you see the following message: MyOSDesign - 0 error(s), XX warning(s).

You can now set up a connection to the Emulator and download the run-time image.

See Also

Tutorial Step 3: Setting Up a Connection to the Emulator and Downloading the Run-Time Image | Tutorial Step 1: Creating a Custom OS Design for the Emulator | Tutorial: Building a Run-Time Image for the Emulator | Tutorials | Platform Settings: Build Options Tab |

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