
Using HTML Components (Windows CE 5.0)

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HTML Component (HTC) provides a mechanism to implement components in script as dynamic HTML (DHTML) behaviors. An HTC file, which has an .htc extension, is an HTML file that contains script and a set of HTC-specific elements that define the component.

HTC Objects

The following table shows the HTC objects that are implemented in Internet Explorer 6.

Object Description
document Represents the HTML document in a given browser window.
element Returns a reference to the tag in the primary document to which the behavior is attached.
PUBLIC:ATTACH Binds a function to an event, so that the function is called whenever the event fires on the specified object.
PUBLIC:COMPONENT Identifies the content of the file as HTC.
PUBLIC:DEFAULTS Sets default properties for an HTC.
PUBLIC:EVENT Defines an event of the HTC to be exposed to the containing document.
PUBLIC:METHOD Defines a method of the HTC to be exposed to the containing document.
PUBLIC:PROPERTY Defines a property of the HTC to be exposed to the containing document.

HTC Events

Calling createEventObject creates an event object that can be used to pass event context information to the PUBLIC:EVENT element's fire method. The following table shows the HTC events that are implemented in Internet Explorer 6.

Event Description
oncontentready Fires when the content of the element, to which the behavior is attached, has been completely parsed.
oncontentsave Fires just before the content of an element that is attached to an element behavior is saved or copied.
ondetach Fires before a behavior is detached from an element.
ondocumentready Fires when the behavior's containing document has been completely parsed.

For more information about using HTML Controls, see this Microsoft Web site.

See Also

Internet Explorer MSHTML/DHTML API Application Development

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