
Online Resources (Windows CE 5.0)

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As a Microsoft® Windows® CE developer, you can use a variety of support and assistance resources. These include MSDN® developer services, Windows CE Help updates, Quick-Fix Engineering (QFE) documents, and online resources, such as newsgroups.

MSDN Developer Services

MSDN is a set of online and offline services designed to help developers use Microsoft products and technologies. The MSDN® online library includes all Windows CE Help information and technical articles.

Windows CE Help Updates

Updates to Windows CE Help are regularly available for downloading or for viewing in the MSDN Library. Help updates provide updated Help files that you can download and install into Platform Builder. The Help files include updated information about Windows CE development and corrections to existing Help topics.

The updated Contents uses text and icons, called gleams, to indicate what is new or updated since the previous documentation release. Topics with gleams have new, revised, or deleted information.

You can view Help updates online in the MSDN® Library or download them from the MSDN Download Center. Use the following links to receive Help:

Quick-Fix Engineering (QFE) Documents

Microsoft continually provides up-to-date Windows CE security enhancements and bug fixes as QFEs. To be sure you have the most recent updates, see this Microsoft Web site.

Online Community Resources

You can participate in an online community hosted by Microsoft. The community provides access to newsgroups, forums for collaboration with other Windows CE developers, news about Windows CE, and free tool and project downloads. For more information, see this Microsoft Web site.

The following Microsoft newsgroups discuss issues related to Windows CE. These newsgroups can be accessed through a Web-based viewer. For more information about Microsoft newsgroups, see this Microsoft Web site.

  • Microsoft.public.windowsce.platbuilder (Operating system design and tools)
  • Microsoft.public.windowsce.embedded (General Windows CE development)
  • Microsoft.public.windowsce.app.development (Windows CE-based application development)
  • Microsoft.public.windowsce.embedded.vb (Windows CE and Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET)
  • Microsoft.public.windowsce.embedded.vc (Windows CE and Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++® 4.0)
  • Microsoft.public.de.german.windowsce (Windows CE general, German)
  • Microsoft.public.jp.windowsce (Windows CE general, Japanese)

You can use newsreader software, such as Microsoft Outlook® Express, to access Microsoft newsgroups. Outlook Express is installed as part of Microsoft Internet Explorer. For information about how to download and install Internet Explorer, see this Microsoft Web site.

After you install Outlook Express, choose a newsgroup link. You are then requested to provide configuration information. When prompted for News Server, specify msnews.microsoft.com. You do not have to enter an account name or password.

If you are using an NNTP newsreader, sometimes called a news client, other than Outlook Express, configure it to read Microsoft newsgroups. You can access the Microsoft news server at msnews.microsoft.com.

Before posting to the newsgroups, take a moment to review the Microsoft Rules of Conduct. For information about the rules, see this Microsoft Web site.

For general information about Microsoft newsgroups, see this Microsoft Web site.

See Also

Product Support | Getting Assistance

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