
OEMKDIoControl (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is implemented by the OEM to support requests from the kernel debugger.

BOOL OEMKDIoControl(DWORDdwIoControlCode,LPVOIDlpBuf,DWORDnBufSize);


  • dwIoControlCode
    [in] Specifies the function requested by the kernel debugger.

    This parameter can be set to one of the values listed in the following table.

    Control code Value Description
    KD_IOCTL_INIT 0x00000000 Initializes the kernel debugger.
    KD_IOCTL_SET_CBP 0x00000001 Sets a code breakpoint.

    The ulAddress member of the KD_BPINFO structure is set to the address to write the breakpoint.

    The OEM sets the ulHandle member to the handle of the breakpoint.

    KD_IOCTL_CLEAR_CBP 0x00000002 Clears a code breakpoint.

    The OEM sets the ulHandle member of KD_BPINFO to the handle of the breakpoint to be cleared.

    KD_IOCTL_QUERY_CBP 0x00000003 Queries the number of code breakpoints available.

    The OEM sets the ulCount member of KD_BPINFO to the number of code breakpoints available.

    KD_IOCTL_ENUM_CBP 0x00000004 Enumerates the code breakpoints that are set.

    The ulCount member of KD_BPINFO is incremented from 0 to n, where n is the number of available breakpoints.

    KD_IOCTL_SET_DBP 0x00000010 Sets a data breakpoint.

    The ulAddress member of KD_BPINFO is set to the address to write the breakpoint.

    The OEM sets the ulHandle member of KD_BPINFO to the handle of the breakpoint.

    KD_IOCTL_CLEAR_DBP 0x00000011 Clears a data breakpoint.

    The OEM sets the ulHandle member of KD_BPINFO to the handle of the breakpoint to be cleared.

    KD_IOCTL_QUERY_DBP 0x00000012 Queries the number of data breakpoints available.

    The OEM sets the ulCount parameter to the number of code breakpoints available.

    KD_IOCTL_ENUM_DBP 0x00000013 Enumerates the data breakpoints that are set.

    The ulCount parameter is incremented from 0 to n, where n is the number of available breakpoints.

    KD_IOCTL_MAP_EXCEPTION 0x00000020 Maps an exception code to a different code.
    KD_IOCTL_RESET 0x00000030 Resets the kernel debugger.
    KD_IOCTL_JIT_NOTIF 0x00000040 Notifies the JIT debugger.
    KD_IOCTL_DMPGEN_START 0x00000050 Starts error report dump generation.
    KD_IOCTL_DMPGEN_END 0x00000051 Ends error report dump generation.
    KD_IOCTL_MEMORY_INACCESSIBLE 0x00000060 Indicates that memory is inaccessible.

    For more information, see Kernel Debugger IOCTLs.

  • lpBuf
    [out] Pointer to a buffer that allocates space for a KD_BPINFO structure.

  • nBufSize
    [in] Size of the buffer pointed to by lpInBuf.

    This is set to the size of the KD_BPINFO structure.

Return Values

If this function succeeds, it returns TRUE.

If this function fails, it returns FALSE.


This is a restrictive form of the KernelIoControl routine. The context in which the kernel debugger calls this function requires that the OEM operates on the hardware only and does not perform system calls.

The kernel debugger exports a function pointer called pKDIoControl. The OEM must assign the address of the function that handles the IOCTL to this pointer. The assignment must occur immediately when OEMInit is called.

The OEMKDIoControl function is not exposed to any application. The functionality is currently restricted to the kernel debugger.

The following code example shows OEMKDIoControl in the SHx platform code.

extern pKDIoControl;

DWORD dwIoControlCode, 
LPVOID lpBuf, 
DWORD nBufSize,
switch ( dwIoControlCode ) {

void OEMinit()
pKDIoControl = OEMKDIoControl;


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Pkfuncs.h.
Link Library: Nk.lib.

See Also

KernelIoControl | OEMInit | KD_BPINFO

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