
OEMEthISR (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is no longer required as of Windows CE .NET 4.2. For information about new debug communication settings, see the KITLTRANSPORT structure.

This function handles the interrupts for the debug Ethernet adapter.

void OEMEthISR (void);



Return Values

Returns the interrupt mask of interrupts that occurred.


The Ethernet debug subsystem calls OEMEthISR to process an interrupt event. OEMEthISR should perform any required hardware-specific processing and return a mask of the interrupt events that are present.

For the Ethernet sample code, the only event that the EDBG subsystem processes is a receive interrupt event, INTR_TYPE_RX. If this value is returned, the OEMEthGetFrame function is called to read the received data.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.10 and later.
Header: Halether.h.
Link Library: Hal.lib.

See Also


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