
CImeCUIToolBar (Windows CE 5.0)

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This class provides the functionality to draw the Input Method Editor (IME) toolbar window.


The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUIToolBar base class by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUIToolBar::GetWndStyle Retrieves the window styles of the IME toolbar window.
CImeCUIToolBar::GetWndStyleEx Retrieves the extended window style of the IME toolbar window.
CImeCUIToolBar::GetMargins Retrieves the top, bottom, right, and left margins of the IME toolbar window.
CImeCUIToolBar::PaintBackground Draws the background of the IME toolbar window.
CImeCUIToolBar::IsHoverActionSupported Determines whether objects of the IME toolbar window check for a mouse hover.
CImeCUIToolBar::PaintGripper Draws a gripper bar on the IME toolbar window.

The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUIToolBar::OnOffButton subclass by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUIToolBar::OnOffButton::AdjustRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the ON/OFF button.
CImeCUIToolBar::OnOffButton::PaintBackground Draws the background of the ON/OFF button.
CImeCUIToolBar::OnOffButton::PaintBitmap Draws the bitmap of the ON/OFF button.
CImeCUIToolBar::OnOffButton::GetSize Retrieves the size of the ON/OFF button.

The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUIToolBar::ButtonArea subclass by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUIToolBar::ButtonArea::GetMargins Retrieves top, bottom, right, and left margins of the button area of the IME toolbar window.
CImeCUIToolBar::ButtonArea::GetSeparator Retrieves the width of the space between the IME toolbar buttons.

The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUIToolBar::Button subclass by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUIToolBar::Button::AdjustRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a button.
CImeCUIToolBar::Button::PaintBackground Draws the background of a button.
CImeCUIToolBar::Button::PaintIcon Draws the icon of a button.
CImeCUIToolBar::Button::PaintBitmap Draws the bitmap of a button.
CImeCUIToolBar::Button::GetSize Retrieves the size of a button.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Imjpskin.h.

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