
CImeCUICandWindow (Windows CE 5.0)

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This class provides the ability to draw the IME candidate window.

The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUICandWindow base class by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUICandWindow::GetHorizontalOffset Determines the horizontal offset at which the IME candidate window is drawn.
CImeCUICandWindow::GetWndStyle Retrieves the window styles of the IME candidate window.
CImeCUICandWindow::GetWndStyleEx Retrieves the extended window style of the IME candidate window.
CImeCUICandWindow::GetMargins Retrieves the top, bottom, right, and left margins of the IME candidate window.
CImeCUICandWindow::GetMaxItems Retrieves the number of candidates to be displayed on the IME candidate window at once.
CImeCUICandWindow::GetMaxHeight Retrieves the maximum height of the IME candidate window.
CImeCUICandWindow::UseNumButtons Determines whether the IME draws the accelerator buttons of candidates.
CImeCUICandWindow::IsHoverActionSupported Determines whether objects of the IME candidate window check for a mouse hover.
CImeCUICandWindow::PaintBackground Draws the background of the IME candidate window.

The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUICandWindow::CCCandListArea subclass by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUICandWindow::CCandListArea::GetMargins Retrieves the top, bottom, right, and left margins of the candidate list area of the IME candidate window.
CImeCUICandWindow::CCandListArea::PaintBackground Draws the background of the candidate list area of the IME candidate window.

The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUICandWindow::CCCandListArea::Item subclass by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUICandWindow::CCandListArea::Item::CreateRenderingMetrics Allocates a memory block and stores item metrics to be referred.
CImeCUICandWindow::CCandListArea::Item::FreeRenderingMetrics Frees a memory block allocated by the CreateRenderingMetrics method.
CImeCUICandWindow::CCandListArea::Item::GetSize Retrieves the size of the bounding rectangle of the item.
CImeCUICandWindow::CCandListArea::Item::SetSize Sets the size of the bounding rectangle of the item after adjustments are made by the IME.
CImeCUICandWindow::CCandListArea::Item::PaintBackground Draws the background of the item.
CImeCUICandWindow::CCandListArea::Item::PaintCandidateString Draws the candidate string.
CImeCUICandWindow::CCandListArea::Item::PaintInlineComment Draws the inline comment string.

The following table shows the method for the CImeCUICandWindow::CCCandListArea::ScrollBar subclass by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUICandWindow::CCandListArea::ScrollBar::IsVisibleAlways Determines whether the scrollbar is always visible.

The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea subclass by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::IsAvailable Determines whether the readings area is available.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::GetMargins Retrieves the top, bottom, right, and left margins of the readings area.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::GetTextColor Retrieves a color of the static text in the readings area.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::PaintBackground Draws the background of the readings area.

The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::Button subclass by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::CButton::AdjustRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the button.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::CButton::PaintBackground Draws the background of the button.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::CButton::PaintBitmap Draws the bitmap of the button.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::CButton::PaintText Draws the text of the button.

The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea subclass by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea::IsAvailable Determines whether the bottom information area is available.
CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea::GetMargins Retrieves the top, bottom, right, and left margins of the bottom information area.
CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea::GetTextColor Retrieves the color of the static text in the bottom information area.
CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea::UseCandMenuButton Determines whether the IME draws the candidate menu button in the bottom information area.
CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea::UseSortButton Determines whether the IME draws the sort button in the bottom information area.
CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea::UseCandNumText Determines whether the IME draws the text describing the number of candidates.
CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea::PaintBackground Draws the background of the bottom information area.

The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea::CButton subclass by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea::CButton::AdjustRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a button.
CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea::CButton::PaintBackground Draws the background of a button.
CImeCUICandWindow::CBottomInfoArea::CButton::PaintIcon Draws the icon of a button.

The following table shows the methods for the CImeCUICandWindow::CNumButton subclass by functional grouping.

Method Description
CImeCUICandWindow::CNumButton::AdjustRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a button.
CImeCUICandWindow::CNumButton::PaintBackground Draws the background of a button.
CImeCUICandWindow::CNumButton::PaintIcon Draws the icon of a button.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Imjpskin.h.

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