
KitlSetTimerCallback (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function registers a callback that will be called once after a specific amount of time has passed.

BOOL KitlSetTimerCallback(intnSecs,PFN_KITLTIMERCBpfnCB,LPVOIDlpParam);


  • nSecs
    [in] Number of seconds to expire before the callback function is called.
  • pfnCB
    [in] Pointer to a callback function that will be called after the time specified in nSecs has elapsed.
  • lpParam
    [in] User-defined value that is passed back to the callback function.

Return Values

If a timer is set, TRUE is returned; otherwise, FALSE is returned.


This function provides the transport with a way to handle special handshakes periodically. The callback function will only be called once so the transport needs to call this function again if a periodic timer is required.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Kitl.h.
Link Library: Kitl.lib.

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