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This IOCTL returns the universally unique identifier (UUID). The UUID is a 16-byte integer that is represented as a string and is guaranteed to be unique. Each Windows Thin Client must have a UUID to be licensed with a Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition (Terminal Server).


  • dwIoControlCode
    [in] Set to IOCTL_HAL_GET_UUID to retrieve a UUID based upon an OEM-defined device hardware identifier.

    The OEM must implement the section of code in the OAL to handle the call to the KernelIoControl function.

  • lpInBuf
    [in] Set to NULL.

  • nInBufSize
    [in] Set to zero.

  • lpOutBuf
    [in, out] On input, set to the address of an allocated UUID structure.

    On output, a filled UUID structure.

  • nOutBufSize
    [in] Set to the size of the UUID structure.

  • lpBytesReturned
    [in, out] On input, address of a DWORD that receives the size in bytes of the data returned.

    On output, set to the number of bytes written to the supplied buffer.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. If the function fails, the return value is zero or FALSE. If the return value is FALSE, GetLastError will be set to the error encountered when processing the request. If GetLastError is equal to ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, IOCTL_HAL_GET_UUID is not supported on the device. If GetLastError is equal to ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, the buffer passed into the KernelIoControl function was not large enough. If GetLastError is equal to ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, the parameters to the function were invalid.

If support is not provided for IOCTL_HAL_GET_UUID within the OEMIoControl function or if the request fails, the return value is FALSE.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later.
Header: Pkfuncs.h.

See Also

KernelIoControl | OEMIoControl | Reading UUIDs

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