
Simplified Chinese Pocket IME Architecture in Windows CE (Windows CE 5.0)

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Windows CE provides two Simplified Chinese Pocket IMEs, which are described in the following table.

IME File Description
PinYin Msimepy.dll Allows PinYin (phonetic) input.
Shuang Pin Msimesp.dll Allows Shuang Pin input. This is double spelling, an advanced phonetic input technique that requires fewer keystrokes.

Pocket IME allows the OEM to supply a custom UI module. The UI module must expose the ImeGetUIClassName function, which the IME calls to load the UI module. The ImeGetUIClassName function is the only function that the UI must expose. The UI module uses Input Method Manager (IMM) functions to communicate with the IME. The default IME UI module is Msimeuic.dll.

**Note   **Because of the dependencies between the Input Method (IM) and IME, the Pocket IME Shuang Pin IM does not work in a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) scenario.

See Also

Simplified Chinese Pocket IME | ImeGetUIClassName

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