
How to Use the BSP for the Hitachi US7729 HARP (Keywest) SDB

You can use the sample board support package (BSP) provided by Platform Builder to quickly evaluate the new Windows CE .NET operating system (OS) features on the Hitachi US7729 HARP (Keywest) standard development board (SDB).

For more information about the sample BSPs included in Platform Builder for SHx microprocessors, see SHx Board Support Packages.

Hardware and Software Assumptions

  • You included support for SH3 microprocessors when you installed Platform Builder 4.2. If you did not, reinstall Platform Builder.
  • You are downloading a Windows CE OS image to a Hitachi US7729 HARP (Keywest) SDB.

To track your progress in the following table, select the check box next to each step.

  Step Topic
1. From the New Platform Wizard, select support for the SH3 microprocessor. Creating a Platform
2. Review the supported hardware and software features on the SDB and familiarize yourself with any limitations that may impact your platform on the SDB. Hitachi US7729 HARP (Keywest) SDB Supported Features
3. Set up the SDB. Setting Up the Hitachi US7729 HARP (Keywest) SDB Hardware
4. Modify the switch and jumper settings on the SDB. Modifying the Hitachi US7729 HARP (Keywest) SDB Switches and Jumpers
5. Configure the terminal emulation software to receive debug messages.
Note   The Microsoft HyperTerminal application does not work reliably with the Hitachi US7729 HARP (Keywest) SDB, so you need to install other terminal emulation or serial communication software that supports sending or transferring binary files.
Not applicable
6. Build the platform. Building a Platform
7. Download the Ethernet boot loader to ROM or flash the SDB. Downloading the Boot Loader to the Hitachi US7729 HARP (Keywest) SDB to Flash
8. Download the OS image to the SDB. Downloading the OS Image to the Hitachi US7729 HARP (Keywest) SDB

See Also

Supported Board Support Packages

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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