
Using the Remote Registry Editor with Gateway

You can use the Remote Registry Editor after downloading the image to the CEPC, however the change is not persistent. The Remote Registry Editor only changes the registry in the image and persists only during the same session. The next time you download the image, you need to re-configure the registry again.

To configure the registry for the gateway using the remote tools

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Remote Registry Editor.

  2. Under the Windows CE .NET Default Platform node, select Default Device, and then choose OK.

    Platform Manager initiates a connection between the IDE and the CEPC using the Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL), which is included in the gateway configuration. If the connection fails, see Configuring the Connection to a Target Device Using Platform Manager.

    Platform Manager opens the Windows CE Remote Registry Editor window.

  3. Expand the Default Device node, and then expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE node.

  4. Expand the Comm node, and then choose ConnectionSharing node.

  5. Add the following values to the ConnectionSharing key:

    • EnableAddressTranslation, 1

    • EnableDhcpAllocator, 1

    • EnableDnsProxy, 1

    • PrivateInterface, <Private Interface Name>

      For example, if you are using an NE2000 compatible PCI network card, your private interface name is PCI\\NE20001

    • PublicInterface, <Public Interface Name>

      For example, if you are using the VMINI adapter, your public interface name is VMINI1.

    You can use the Help menu of the Remote Registry Editor for details about how to add registry values.

  6. Close the Windows CE Remote Registry Editor.

See Also

Customizing the Gateway | How to Create a Gateway

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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