
Setting the Registry Key for Screen Rotation

By default, the screen is oriented at a zero degree angle of rotation after downloading the image to the CEPC. You can change the default angle of the screen by setting the appropriate registry key. However, any applications that subsequently run on the CEPC and rotate the screen will override the settings in the registry file.

In this procedure, you will set the registry key for screen rotation. If you don't want to change the default angle of the screen orientation, you can skip this procedure.

The following table shows the values you can use in the Angle registry subkey.

Value Description
0 No rotation.
5A 90 degrees rotated clockwise.
B4 180 degrees rotated clockwise.
10E 270 degrees rotated clockwise.

To set the registry key for screen rotation,

  1. In the Workspace window, choose the ParameterView tab.

  2. Expand the *<Platform Name>*parameters node.

  3. Expand the C:\WINCE420 - CEPC - Project Specific Files node.

  4. Right-click Project.reg, and then choose Open.

  5. To set a default angle for screen rotation for the platform, add the following text to the end of the registry file.

    The example code here shows the angle set to 0x5A or 90 degrees.

    ; Settings to rotate the screen by 90 degrees clockwise upon download
  6. From the File menu, choose Save, and then choose Close.

See Also

How to Implement Screen Rotation | Display Driver Registry Settings

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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