
Building the OAL Source Code

When you build OAL source code, you generate a file called Hal.lib. Hal.lib is the name specified in the TARGETNAME macro variable of the OAL sources file. For more information, see Creating the OAL Sources and Makefile Files.

To build the OAL source code

  1. At the command prompt in the %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\MyPlatform\Kernel\Hal directory, enter the following command:

    build -c

    For more information about the build tool and the parameters you can use, see Build Tool.

  2. Verify that %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\MyPlatform\Lib\ARMV4I\Retail\Hal.lib was created.

    If the Hal.lib binary was not created, see the Build.log file, which is written by the build subsystem to the source directory.

See Also

How to Develop an OEM Adaptation Layer

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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