
Adding Enroll.exe to the Platform

To include Enroll.exe in your platform, complete the following steps.

To add Enroll.exe to the CEPC or Emulator platform

  1. From the Workspace window, select the ParameterView tab.

  2. Expand the <Platform Name> parameters node and navigate to %WINCEROOT%\<Emulator or CEPC>\Project Specific Files.

  3. Double-click project.bib to open the file for editing.

    The project.bib file is located in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\<Platform Name>\WINCE420\<CEPC or Emulator>\Oak\Files directory.

  4. Add the following statement to the project.bib file and then save the file.

    enroll.exe       $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\enroll.exe              NK  

    This puts the file in the \Windows directory on your device.

  5. From the Build menu, select Make Image.

    After the process is completed, your image is ready to download.

To verify if enroll.exe is in the CEPC or Emulator

Use this procedure only after downloading the image to the CEPC or Emulator.

  1. From the Start menu of the CEPC device, point to Programs, and then choose Windows Explorer.

  2. Double-click the Windows folder icon.

    You will see Enroll.exe as one of the files in the Windows root directory. If you do not see Enroll.exe, check the Folder Options setting and make sure that you can view hidden files and file extensions.

See Also

Enrolling for a Certificate | How to Enroll for a Certificate Using the Default Configuration | How to Enroll for a Certificate Using the Modified Configuration

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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