

This object requests the miniport to delete a wake-up pattern that it previously received in an OID_PNP_ADD_WAKE_UP_PATTERN request. The wake-up pattern, along with its mask, is described by an NDIS_PM_PACKET_PATTERN structure where the InformationBuffer of an associated NdisRequest query contains the following:

  • An NDIS_PM_PACKET_PATTERN structure that provides information about the pattern and its mask.
  • A mask that indicates which bytes of an incoming packet should be compared with corresponding bytes in the pattern. The mask starts with the first byte of the packet, excluding token ring source routing information in a token ring packet. The mask immediately follows the NDIS_PM_PACKET_PATTERN structure in the InformationBuffer.
  • A wake-up pattern, which begins PatternOffset bytes from the beginning of the InformationBuffer.

An intermediate driver whose upper edge receives this OID request must always propagate the request to the underlying miniport by calling NdisRequest.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ntddndis.h.

See Also


 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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