

This method retrieves the RFC1766-conforming name that corresponds to the given locale identifier (LCID).

HRESULT GetRfc1766FromLcid( 
  LCID Locale,
  BSTR* pbstrRfc1766


  • Locale
    [in] LCID for which the caller wants to retrieve the RFC1766-conforming name.
  • pbstrRfc1766
    [out] Address of the buffer where the caller receives the RFC1766-conforming name string.

Return Values

The following table shows the possible return values for this method.

Value Description
S_OK Success.
E_FAIL The method could not get the information from the database or the system.
E_INVALIDARG One or more of the arguments are invalid.


A client uses this method to retrieve a human-readable name for the specified LCID. For example, this method could be used to build an acceptable-language header for Internet applications. The method retrieves the information from the MIME database character set extension if it exists; otherwise, it uses National Language Support (NLS) functions to build two-letter names on the fly.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Mlang.h, Mlang.idl.
Link Library: Mlang.dll.

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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