
Bluetooth Platform Development Functions

The following table shows the functions that you can use when developing your Bluetooth platform.

Programming element Description
BthAuthenticate This function requests that the existing connection with the peer device be authenticated.
BthCancelInquiry This function cancels the current inquiry operation.
BthClearInquiryFilter This function clears the Inquiry Filter.
BthCloseConnection This function closes the specified baseband connection.
BthCreateACLConnection This function creates an ACL connection to a device with the specified address.
BthCreateSCOConnection This function creates an SCO connection to a device with the specified address.
BthEnterHoldMode This function places the ACL connection to the peer in Hold mode.
BthEnterParkMode This function places the ACL connection to the peer specified by the Bluetooth address in PARK mode.
BthEnterSniffMode This function places the ACL connection to the peer in SNIFF mode.
BthExitParkMode This function forces the ACL connection to the peer to leave PARK mode.
BthExitSniffMode This function forces the ACL connection to the peer to leave SNIFF mode.
BthGetAddress This function retrieves the Bluetooth address based on the specified connection handle.
BthGetBasebandConnections This function retrieves baseband connection data for all current connections.
BthGetBasebandHandles This function retrieves handles of all current connections. This is equivalent to BTH_HCI_IOCTL_GET_BASEBAND_HANDLES HCI IOCTL function.
BthGetCurrentMode This function retrieves the current mode of the ACL connection to the peer that is specified by the Bluetooth address. This function is equivalent to BTH_HCI_IOCTL_GET_HANDLE_MODE HCI IOCTL.
BthGetHardwareStatus This function obtains the hardware status.
BthGetLinkKey This function retrieves the link key for the Bluetooth device.
BthGetPINRequest This function retrieves the address of the Bluetooth peer device authentication of which requires the personal identification number (PIN) code.
BthNsLookupServiceBegin This function initiates a client query that is constrained by the information contained within a WSAQUERYSET structure.
BthNsLookupServiceEnd This function frees the handle after previous calls to the BthNsLookupServiceBegin and BthNsLookupServiceNext functions.
BthNsLookupServiceNext This function retrieves the results of an SDP search.
BthNsSetService This function adds, updates, or removes service records from the local SDP database.
BthPerformInquiry This function performs an Inquiry operation.
BthReadAuthenticationEnable This function reads the value for the authentication setting.
BthReadCOD This function reads adapter's class of device.
BthReadLinkPolicySettings This function reads the current link policy for the existing connection with the peer that is specified by its Bluetooth address.
BthReadLocalAddr This function retrieves the Bluetooth address of the current device.
BthReadLocalVersion This function Reads the version and capabilities of Host Controller Interface (HCI) and Link Manager Protocol (LMP) stacks on the Bluetooth device. It is a combination of the following two HCI commands: Read_Local_Version_Information and Read_Local_Supported_Features.
BthReadPageTimeout This function retrieves the current page timeout value.
BthReadRemoteVersion This function reads the version and capabilities of Link Manager Protocol (LMP) stack on the Bluetooth device. It is a combination of the following two HCI commands: Read_Remote_Version_Information and Read_Remote_Supported_Features.
BthReadScanEnableMask This function reads the adapter's scan mode.
BthRefusePINRequest This function refuses an outstanding PIN request that is retrieved by BthGetPINRequest function.
BthRemoteNameQuery This function queries the name of a remote Bluetooth device.
BthRevokeLinkKey This function removes the link key for a Bluetooth device.
BthRevokePIN This function revokes the PIN for the Bluetooth device.
BthSetEncryption This function requests that the encryption mode on an existing connection is switched with the peer device.
BthSetInquiryFilter This function sets the Inquiry Filter to a specified address.
BthSetLinkKey This function stores the link key for the Bluetooth device.
BthSetPIN This function stores the PIN for the Bluetooth device.
BthSetSecurityUI This function allows an application to provide an event that will be signaled by the stack when a device without a PIN sends a PIN request.
BthTerminateIdleConnections This function disconnects all idle connections held by the L2CAP layer.
BthWriteAuthenticationEnable This function sets the value for the authentication setting.
BthWriteCOD This function sets adapter's class of device.
BthWriteLinkPolicySettings This function writes the current link policy for the existing connection with the peer specified by its Bluetooth address.
BthWritePageTimeout This function configures the page timeout.
BthWriteScanEnableMask This function sets the adapter's scan mode.

See Also

Bluetooth Platform Development Reference

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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